About 1,200 people attended the Founders Village Annual Family
Day Picnic Saturday.

The homeowners’ association started having the annual picnic
eight years ago. When Donna and Lou Pratt moved to Founders six
years ago, they became the event’s coordinators.

Family Day means kids, and there were plenty of games and a
prize table at which to redeem tickets won in those

Each year the event grows, and this year in addition to the
games, there was a petting zoo with pony rides to keep the
youngsters busy and happy.

Two-year-old Joseph Hendix was adept at the toss games and could
not be persuaded to move on to other games such as the bungee jump,
where Dillon Pippin and Hannah Dougherty tried to jump the farthest
to win prize tickets.

Two-year-old Ryan Harrison preferred to pet the rabbits, and
Brandin Kreuzer paraded his llama, named Bella, around the petting
zoo for all to see.

Music by AMS Entertainment filled the air as residents enjoyed
the picnic lunch provided by the homeowners’ association.

Adults enjoyed the U.S. Tae kwon do Center demonstration. Master
Han Won Lee and Olympic instructor Barb Kunkel led this large group
of martial artists who were all ages.